Hot Mess

The Tar-jay Outing

I just need wipes and toilet paperI just need wipes and toilet paperI repeated these words over and over to myself as I pulled into the parking earlier this afternoon. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore The Tar-jay, but only when I’m by myself, with no time limit, on payday, with a giant latte …

Self Care

My Life as a Closet Introvert

I’ve done it more times than I care to admit. I’m not really sure when it started, and maybe I’ve always done it one way or another. This particular day, I could already feel my anxiety creeping its way into my mind and body like an invasive parasite; ready to drain the life right out …

Wife Life

To My Husband…

Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart. Like why are we here? And where do we go?And how come it’s so hard?It’s not always easy, and sometimes life can be deceiving I’ll tell you one thing, it’s always better when we’re together. – Jack Johnson When I sat …